Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Episode 11: Wellington

All right. Maybe it seems silly to still be talking about my trip at this point. Get on with it! you’re all shouting. Check it out, we don’t even care anymore! I know. I know. But it’s a matter of principle at this point. Here it comes, the big finish!

It’s going to be sort of anticlimactic though, because at this stage of our travels, Tania had fallen headlong into a nasty cold, and had also tripped and slammed into some guy at a bar, severely twisting her foot (à la mom) . As she limped around sniffling, I too could feel the first hints of sickness, as was to be expected with the two of us living in such close quarters. (This was January 2nd, officially the last day I can remember not having a runny nose. Today is March 2nd. That's two really snotty months. Sorry I keep talking about snot.)

This meant that most of our visit to the north island went something like this:

“Mmm, that’s pretty.”
“Wanna sit down?”
“Mm kay.”
“Maybe we should eat something.”
“Mmm. Soup?”

Despite this, we still managed to have a good time, and see some pretty stuff.

After our last night in Nelson, our gracious hosts drove us to the ferry (thanks again guys!) for the journey to Wellington. This was a much more classy (and expensive) deal than the Seattle ferry that I'm used to. It had something like 5 restaurants and a casino.

Pretty water.Pretty building. She's Italian. In New Zealand. It's funny.
We had heard that Wellington was windy, but we found that it was really really windy.
Really really really windy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people are good at things like art, and singing, and writing and stuff...I'm good at twisting my ankle. Not everyone can do it with the panache' that I do! Yes, I know it is embarrassing when you're with me, but we all have our burdens.
