Like the rest of Japan, we caught the ice skating fever and decided to test our skills last weekend.

Results: Canadians took the gold, Japan got silver, Americans bronze by default, and Singapore... ah, poor Singapore.

Canadian skating pro Lee acts as a portable railing for Japan (Akiko) and Singapore (Sandy).

The place was crawling with little kids in yellow helmets.

Dan is deathly afraid of small people in helmets, but we locked him in anyway. He got over it.

It was while dodging one of these little roadblocks that I was gracefully planted flat on my back. Either that or Lee pushed me down. I can't remember which.

Tania comes in for one of her signature spins (the only way she can stop).

Tania and Dan perfect their pairs routine, set to the music of New Kids on the Block.

Then Dan blatantly disobeys the rules (see below).
I must say I am disappointed in Dan...what more perfect time or place could there have been to break out the beer costume?
Were Tania and Lee drug tested after the competition?
Cute hat. Did you get extra artistic points for the hat? That's what probably pushed you past Singapore for the bronze, huh?
Wow, I'm jealous, I can't even bloody stand up on ice skates. My sister says I look like Mr. Bean on the ice. She's so kind to me.
gah! I can't believe I didn't get the beer costume going on. Ahh well at least we still beat singapore out for the medal. USA! USA! Good post, I give you a squirrel out of 10.
Before you know you'll be on "Skating with the Stars"; one (of many) of your mom's favorite "reality" TV shows, by the way.
Uncle Jim
Rebuttal: Back that bus up, Uncle Jim. I have not EVER, EVER watched skating with the stars!!! And this from a man that watched Blow Out with the narcissitic, closet-gay hair dresser Jonathan Antin.
Don't make me get Kim and Kendall involved in this. They'll tear you up. Be prepared my friend. Hey, you drew first blood here, Sonny Jim!
And to think, you have a brithday rapidly approching...this may cause an adverse reaction that directly relates to the coolness of your present.
Caitlin, take him down...please. Don't let him beat up on your mother that way.
Thank you; I never knew Jonathon's last name. My mistake; I meant Dancing with the Stars.
Hey, don't look now; that dingo's got your baby!!
Uncle Jim
Look, you got me so ferklempt I spelled two words wrong in my last post.
No soup for you!!!!!
what's this? i leave for 4 days and you guys turn this into a forum to argue about reality tv?
glad to see you've learned how to leave comments Jim, but you should start your own blog for this debate. you could call it www.ionlywatchrealitiyshowsabouthairdressers.com.
You're right Caitlin, we need to take this outside (but Jim started it!). Thankfully Dan (and sometimes Lewis) is the only other person that reads this, so no one else will know how weird your family really is!! Sorry, apparently we can't be trusted to play nice without a monitor.
Glad you had fun in Kyoto with the 'Mericans.
(Jim...she totally burned you there!!)
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