This is the view we woke up to on Monday morning. Luckily we had our visit to Kyoto scheduled for the next three days, so we managed to flee the upcoming snowstorm. Good thing, because we were dumped with another 40 cm. Check Lewis' site for what we missed out on.

It was from this bus, within an hour of arriving, that we saw our first cultural exhibit: Man With No Pants.
And by no pants I mean no anything. Being the lucky passenger in the window seat, I was first to notice Mr. Pants-less, driving the car directly beside us. I know that I probably gave him the reaction he was looking for when I exploded with horrified laughter, but HE WAS WEARING NO PANTS. "Surely he is just late to work, and has decided to change his pants... and, accompanying undergarments...because he...spilled his coffee..." I thought to myself in shock. Until I glanced again, as at a car accident, and noticed that he was... performing an inappropriate action, let's say. I lost it at this point. Thank god his lane was soon forced to turn, and he could no longer slowly follow alongside the bus as he had been doing.
Overall a good introduction to historical Kyoto and the shy, reserved, and above all, polite people of Japan.
1 comment:
goodness....that was, ummm, interesting? probably felt like you were back in Shelton for a minute there (not that we have pervs in Shelton, no, not any).
and what's with the cm? have you lived out of the county for so long now you can no longer think in inches? I had to look up a conversion chart.
looks like Hannah visited my fav 100 yen store. pressies for the whole family, and cheap too!
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